Resurrection, the fourth production of Centre d’études du chant liturgique arménien.

- Hearing the Angel’s message…
- Lord, you descended and took flesh…
- You who were raised from the dead…
The marvelous women fearlessly came to visit the tomb, for perfect love knows no fear.
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- A new and resplendent flower has appeared today.
- Glory be to your holy name, God of our fathers.
- O Savior, by your mercy, save me.
- Today Heaven and earth rejoice in your Resurrection.
- Glory be to the all-powerful Resurrection of Christ.
- You seek the crucified one?
- The Lord, the unique Son, like a bolt of lightning…
- The marvelous angel of the Lord joyfully descended to the tomb.
- The Lord has risen from the tomb.
- The resplendent angel sitting on the boulder announced.
- Glory be to your Resurrection!
- At your marvelous Resurrection.
Let us also sing praises with the angels