Nativity-Theophany, and chants dedicated to the Saint Theotokos
Nativity-Theophany, and chants dedicated to the Saint Theotokos, the third production of the Centre for Armenian Liturgical Chant Studies.

Today the celestial hosts are rejoicing.
Sharagan celebrating the birth of Saint Theotokos.
Theotokos, immaculate mother of the Lord.
Anthem for the St. Theotokos.
Rejoice, Theotokos.
Suite of Magnificats.
Unwithering flower.
Introduction and first verse of the sharagan Prandii for the fifth day of the Nativity and Theophany.
Mother of the incomprehensible Light.
Suite de charagan Magnificat.
Word with no beginning, consubstantial with the Father.
Verse of the Patrum for the first day of the Nativity-Theophany.
Theotokos, door of the heavens.
Suite of Magnificat.
Born of the virginal womb.
Verse of the Patrum for the second day of the Nativity-Theophany.
Today, Gabriel joyfully sang and happily proclaimed the Good News to the virgin.
Sharagan Benedictio for the fourth day of the Nativity-Theophany.
From the womb of the immaculate virgin a King was born.
Verse of the Patrum for the third day of the Nativity-Theophany.
Theotokos, more radiant than the heavens.
Suite of sharagan Magnificat.
Saint Mary, golden vase.
Sharagan for Saint Nicolas; verse dedicated to the Saint Theotokos.
O great and marvelous mystery.
Sharagan Benedictio for the first day of the Nativity-Theophany.
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