Director: Aram Kerovpyan
The Centre was founded in January 1998 in Paris, as the continuation of the Akn choir’s work since 1990.
The Centre teaches traditional Armenian liturgical chant, by means of oral transmission.
The work sessions, individual or group, help participants to develop hearing, sensitivity for modal music, and memorization capacity, as well as to make public presentations of the repertoire.
The teaching programme is based on the modal theory of the Armenian church music, and comprises traditional melody-types, special intervals, and particularities of language/music interaction. An apprenticeship in the Modern Armenian Musical Notation is included in the programme.
The principle of the transmission method is assimilation by repetition. No musical knowledge or previous preparation is requested from the participants. New students are submitted to a three-month test period, after which their admission is approved or refused by the director according to their skills and involvement.
Presently, the course is addressed to two different work groups:
1- the Akn ensemble, composed of advanced members;
2- the apprentice members who are joined by the advanced members.
The Akn ensemble meets every Monday, from 9 to 10:30 p. m.
The apprentice group meets every Tuesday, from 8:30 to 10 p. m.
Given the importance of listening in modal music, apprentice members are encouraged to come listen to Monday evening sessions.
For complementary information, contact
Aram Kerovpyan
Telephone: +33 (0)1 42 06 74 26
The Armenian Oktoechos: an online presentation by Aram Kerovpyan, organized by the Armenian Institute (London), on June 11, 2020. Click here
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Page updated on le 25-06-2020.
Armenian Modal Chant